JTB’s Approach

Change is the only guarantee in business. You can prepare for it and prosper, or hide from it and pay.

Every successful businessperson in this world made it to the top by fully realizing every opportunity and using all possible resources available to them. Nobody makes the journey to the top alone.

Are your teams and individual members performing at their peak?
Are you leaving money on the table during negotiations?
Are you maximizing the potential of every stakeholder relationship?

The 21st century has delivered incredible technological advances, which have allowed businesses to improve systems, processes and streamline operations. However stakeholder relationships are still the most powerful asset with, the ability to connect, empower, motivate, engage, inspire, influence and negotiate. Whether it is face to face, via technology or through social media.

If you are looking to develop high performing teams; take your teams performance to the next level; do more with less; build strong stakeholder relationships with long term sustainability; and create flexibility into your team, JTB is your answer.


Company Profile

JTB Consulting prides itself on providing innovative and “real” solutions to assist clients “Grow Tomorrow’s Business Today”. JTB offers a holistic approach that will not only see your business but also your team members grow. Working within three main areas: strategy – providing a blueprint to create the pathway of sustainability; growth through innovation; and behavioural science – arming you with the skills to influence, motivate, inspire and predict behaviour. [Read More...]

About Our CEO

Juli Robertson has more than twenty six years of corporate experience spans B2B, FMCG, Agribusiness, IT and Media. This coupled with extensive training in human behaviour provides an innovative and unique skill set to assist clients grow their business. Juli’s business development background includes marketing, sales, communications, media, brand management, technical, quality, operations, R&D, OHS&E, import and export, stakeholder management, research and commercialisation. [Read More...]

Contact Us

If you are ready to:
"Grow tomorrow’s business today"
contact us for an obligation-free conversation.

e: info@jtbconsulting.com.au
m: +61 0417707280
p: +61 7 33741436
m: PO Box 719, Kenmore QLD Australia 4069